
Running a business in Central Queensland isn’t easy. One minute everything’s
smooth, the next you’re hit with unexpected costs or an industry shake-up. That’s
why having a cash war chest – a solid financial buffer – is key. It’s your safety net
when things get tough.

Here’s how to build and protect it

  1. Get Real About Your Numbers
    Start with where you are right now. What’s your cash flow? What debts do you have?
    Once you know the numbers, you’ll see where you can start building that buffer.
    Sometimes it’s about cutting non-essential costs or adjusting prices to free up some
    extra cash.
  2. Set a Savings Goal
    Figure out what makes sense for your business. Maybe it’s covering a few months of
    expenses or setting aside a percentage of profits. Whatever it is, make it realistic.
    Start small if you need to – the key is to keep building.
  3. Spend Smart
    Cutting costs doesn’t mean cutting corners. Find ways to streamline, renegotiate, or
    reduce overhead without sacrificing quality. Every dollar you save can go straight
    into your cash reserve.
  4. Grow Your Revenue
    If you want to speed up your savings, think about adding new revenue streams. Is
    there a service you can offer or a new market you can tap into? Diversifying income
    makes your business stronger and builds your reserve faster.
  5. Protect Your Reserve
    This isn’t just extra cash – it’s your safety net. Set clear rules for when and how you
    use it. Keep it for emergencies or strategic opportunities, not for everyday expenses.
  6. Keep Tweaking
    Your reserve isn’t a “set it and forget it” deal. As your business changes, your cash
    war chest should too. Regularly review your situation and adjust as needed to keep
    that buffer strong.

At J&T Accountants, we’re here to help Central Queensland businesses build their
financial resilience.

Download our Cashflow Checklist today and start creating your cash war chest.